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When material levels are constantly monitored…

A continuous level measurement sensor reports the level of material in a bin, tank, or silo over its full span from top to bottom. It reports inventory over time using software or display consoles.

Bincloud recieving continuous updates from binmaster continuous level sensors.

Different technologies for measuring different types of materials

Types of continuous level sensors include weight‐and‐cable, 3D scanners, guided‐wave radar or TDR sensors, open‐air radar, laser, and ultrasonic continuous level sensors. Each level measurement technology operates differently and has its pros and cons.

When selecting a sensor, know how accurate you want the measurements to be and how frequently you need measurements. Plus, know where the inventory data will be accessed and how people will share the data. The number of vessels monitored, and budget are also important factors.

Considerations when selecting a continuous level sensor

Whether solid, powder or liquid
Its bulk density in pounds per cubic foot
Is the material sticky or corrosive?
Vessel temperature or pressure
Does it create sidewall buildup?
The material’s moisture content
Does it emit dust, steam, or vapor?
Presence of noise or vibrations

What’s the difference between continuous and point level sensors?

Continuous level sensors measure the level of a solid or liquid continuously over the full span of measurement from the top to the bottom of the vessel. They measure as the vessel is emptied or filled and are used to report inventory. Continuous level sensors are often connected to software or consoles to monitor levels over time.

A point level indicator alerts when a level reaches a certain point. Point level switches are used as a high-level alarm for spill protection and overfill prevention. They can also install in the cone or near the bottom of a vessel to alert to a low level. They can turn a process or pump off or on.

Use the links below to learn more about our specific continuous level sensors

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