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FeedView simplifies feed inventory with sensors and software

The FeedView® feed management solution combines wireless, battery-powered laser level sensors with a cloud-based, simple-to-use software application.

FeedView Logo

“With FeedView®, I can reorder feed with confidence. We’ve eliminated most delivery emergencies and overfilled feed bins, all without climbing ladders … thanks to the wireless level sensors”

Byron Belina, Pillen Family Farms

Imagine you don’t need to climb bins, rely on guesswork, massive spreadsheets, or piles of paperwork. Instead, simply view feed inventory information on your phone, tablet, or computer. Automatically measure bin levels, predict consumption, and know when you will run out of feed. Place orders with the mill and know when to schedule deliveries … anywhere, anytime.

FeedView helps you lower feed costs

BinMaster developed FeedView® as a Software as a Service for hog, poultry, or cattle operations. Growers, feeders, and finishers conveyed their specific needs for monitoring feed storage, consumption, and delivery along with the reporting needed to make their job easier. Feed mills chimed in, too! The result: FeedView is affordable and completely scalable for a single barn to national producers.

Eliminate Feed Outages

Swine, poultry, or cattle operations can automatically measure bin levels, project consumption, record the use of medicated feeds, and know when to schedule deliveries.

Save on Delivery Charges

FeedView® is accessible from a phone, tablet, or PC. Growers can make monitoring and reporting feed storage, consumption, and delivery easier and more efficient. Feed mills are less frustrated.

Order by Truckloads

Staying on top of inventory helps mills and farms schedule production and delivery of needed rations. Fewer deliveries and eliminating emergencies can save big bucks. You can place orders directly with the mill using FeedView. Automated alerts via text or email let you know when a barn is approaching empty to reduce emergencies.

FVL-200 wireless level sensors

Battery-powered laser level sensors eliminate wiring expenses and make installation simple. The FVL-200 was designed by BinMaster just for users of bulk livestock feed.

  • Measures feed levels in silos up to 35 feet tall in scheduled time intervals
  • Installs through a 1.5” NPT connection using an adjustable swivel mount or fixed angle mounting plate
  • Takes hourly readings with a Lithium-Ion battery life of 3 to 5 years
  • LoRa long range communications send measurements to the FeedView web app
  • Get feed levels from your phone, tablet, or PC no matter where you are

Are you a farmer, grower, or manager at a confined animal feeding operation buying bulk livestock feed? FeedView is a way to reduce farm input costs for feed, fuel, and costly deliveries.

Sell swine at prime time.

Hog growers, farrowing and finishing operations can prevent feed outages and ensure there is no leftover feed when hogs go to market saving on waste, disposal, and vacuuming costs.

Consumers don’t want to be milked for meat.

Dairy cattle feed is expensive while milk demand wanes. Feedlots are paying top dollar for cattle finishing rations including corn, soybean hulls, and dried distillers grains.

Chicken feed costs more than just chicken feed.

If you work in the broiler poultry meat industry, you want to find ways to lower feed costs. Poultry breeders, hatcheries, and processors need to invest in sustainability from farm to table.

Simplify your Feed Management with FeedView

FeedView Features

Managing FeedView® starts with identifying farms, barns, feed groups, and feed rations. FeedView® users are set up for administrative or viewer roles for secure control over the system. Each user can customize their view with the columns of information they need. Feed mills or corporate headquarters can be given access to data as desired. This can eliminate spreadsheets, emails, and phone calls regarding inventory or delivery status.

Track Feed Groups

Put livestock into feed groups based on the feed bins supplying each barn and track them as a group throughout their processing cycle. Using the feed group’s status and average daily feed intake (ADFI) information, the feed group’s consumption rate is predicted and used to calculate when bins will run out of feed. You can update a feed group’s status to account for headcount changes due to death losses or when animals are sent to market.

Ration management on BinCloud Application with FeedView Subscription

Manage feed rations

Create new rations or feed formulations, assign them to specific feed bins, and track whether that ration was medicated (including VFD numbers and expiration dates). The rations dashboard shows which rations are assigned to which bins. Historical records show you when specific rations and medications were used and which bins they were assigned to.

Monitor single bins or see data in tandem

FeedView® easily adapts for monitoring a single feed bin tied to a barn, or two or more silos feeding a barn in tandem. You have the option of automatically combining the feed volume from two bins if you routinely supply a barn feed from two or more bins. Set up FeedView so you get alerted when the last bin supplying the barn is almost empty.

Designed to work for your farm

FeedView's user interface is intuitive and easy to learn

Customize your inventory dashboard selecting which columns are displayed and save views for future use. Instructions are built into the UI — displayed by hovering over an information icon.

To prevent data loss, popup warnings help ensure information is not unintentionally deleted. User access to specific information can be controlled to prevent unauthorized or unneeded changes from happening.

The BinCloud app is optimized for use while in the field. bin, location, gateway, and account pages are simplified for quick viewing.

The power of QuickView

View your vessels in this clean, easy-to-understand graphical interface. See the bin name or number, percentage full, location, material, bin status, and the date and time the data was last refreshed. Filter to see only the bins you need by alert status, material, or location.

Fastrack to bin details

Drive down to the details for a bin in one click. A visual shows the percentage the bin is filled and current alert status. It shows the predicted number of days until the bin will run out of feed and a forecast of how much feed remains in the bin each day. The latest sensor-measured volume and headspace, the ADFI -based volume and headspace, and the feed group’s consumption rate is displayed in tons/day.

Get push-button reports

Download chart and table reports with the push of a button. Review your current inventory status or specify the range of dates. Generate quick reports based on criteria including farm, bins, rations, use of medicated feed, and alert status. Easily export reports to excel or PDF to share with others.

We've got an app for that

The BinCloud app makes inventory data fully portable. Manage inventory when in the office, plant, traveling, or working remotely.

Download it free! Get BinCloud® from Google Play or the App Store as part of your BinCloud® subscription.

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